Ziemia Ognista-Cape Horn

Cape Horn (Cabo de Hornos).

Cape Horn (Cabo de Hornos). It is a rocky outcrop of the Horn Island, the most southern tip of South America.

Tierra del Fuego Islands.

Between the archipelago"s islands lies the Beagle Channel. Extremely picturesque with an abundance of fjords and surrounded by steep mountain slopes. The highest peaks reach 6000ft. The lower parts are overgrown by dense forest. The peaks are covered by snow and glaciers flow into the channel.

Outline of the expedition.

We sail from Ushuaia, the town situated in a picturesque valley surrounded by two razor like peaks Monte Olivia and Cinco Hermanos. After boarding we will go through the safety drills and explain the day to day running of the boat. Later on in the evening or in the early hours of the next day (weather permitting) we will sail to Puerto Williams. The sailing will take place between the islands. The Beagle Channel is up to 4 miles wide around here and the distance of this leg is
approximately 30nm.





Puerto Williams is a Chilean naval base, harbour and a few civilian houses. We will moor at The Maclavi Club next to the wreck of an old naval ship. We will need to clear the customs, immigration and obtain a permission called "Zarpa" to move on the Chilean waters around Cape Horn and along the Beagle Channel. It should not take more than a few hours. Meanwhile we can visit a museum or go for a walk in the local mountains. The next move (weather permitting) will be towards Puerto Toro or directly through Bahia Nassau to Wollaston Archipelago. It is around 80-120nm. If the weather deteriorates we can wait for better conditions at Bahia Scourfield or Caleta Martial. The intention is to spend two days to go around the magic rock-Cape Horn - and to visit the Archipelago.

Puerto Williams

Puerto Williams

Cape Horn

Cape Horn

'On the way back to the Beagle Channel we will sail through Passo Gorde and Passo Picton sandwiched between Isla Picton and Isla Navarrino. In the event that we meet strong facing winds we will have a break at Puerto Williams. Otherwise we will go to Bahia Lapataia bypassing Ushuaia and anchor at Caleta Olla - 80 nm from P.Williams. Right now we have two options - we may go for a walk onto the glacier "Holland" or sail along the so-called Glaciers Avenue.

Ziemia Ognista - Caleta Olla

Caleta Olla

Kanał Beaglea - Aleja Lodowców

Glaciers Avenue

We will visit Seno Pia fjord where glaciers are flowing into two of its branches. The following day we intend to visit Seno Garibaldi and return to Puerto Williams.

Seno Pia

Seno Pia


Seno Garibaldi

Seno Pia

Seno Pia

Puerto Williams

Puerto Williams

We must emphasise that the order of visiting places depends strongly on the weather. Final decisions will be taken by
the skipper.

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