piotr kuźniar
SKIPPER. Ocean yacht master since 1990. Diver, botanist. Polar sailing enthusiast. Skippered sailing trips in the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, Barents & Norwegian Seas,
Drake Passage.
Interesting sailing trips:
1988 – Faeroes
2000 – Norwegian fiords
2001 – around Europe
2002 – Lofoten, Spitsbergen
2003 – Jan Mayen (first Polish ascent of Beerenberg), East Greenland coast
2005 – Antarctic, South Shetlands, Cape Horn
2006 – Spitsbergen
2007 – Iceland - Spitsbergen
2008 – Antarctic (Charcot Island), Cape Horn
2009 – Antarctic, Cape Horn, Greenland
tomasz łopata
SKIPPER. Ocean Yachtmaster, motor boat Yachtmaster, sailing instructor. Tomek has sailed tens of thousands of nautical miles. For several years he was involved
in organizing sailing trips/charters for firms in the Mediterranean. His profession is skippering boats. He has sailed the Baltic, North Sea, the Norwegian and
Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the west coast of Africa, Cape Horn and Antarctica. When the Mediterranean sun is heating up too much he runs away to refreshing icy climes.
On his expeditions there is no shortage of seafood, of course, fresh from the sea. He loves preparing it in every imaginable way. Tomek is a Board Member of
Stowarzyszenie Edukacja Pod Żaglami (The Association of Education Under Sails). He participated in four Szkola Pod Zaglami (Schools under Sails) on STS Pogoria as first mate,
deputy master, teacher and director. With passion he makes "the pedagogy of the sea" a reality. In his free time he loves playing the guitar.
dariusz gocał
Coastal skipper from 1989. Mountaineer, skier, skydiver. He lives in London. It was he who, on a grey, rainy London morning dreamt up the idea of buying an expedition boat.
Interesting sailing trips:
1988 - Faeroe Islands
2000 - Norwegian fiords
2002 - Spitsbergen
2003 - Jan Mayen & East Greenland coast
2004 - 2 month trip with his wife Elizabeth & 5 years old
2005 - Antarctica
2007 - Iceland - Spitsbergen
2008 - Antarctic (Charcot Island), Cape Horn
2011 - Teneryfa - Barbados, The Atlantic lonely crossing
krzysztof jasica
Zakręcony na punkcie żeglarstwa. Z zawodu inżynier mechanik, z doświadczenia radiowiec, w duszy trochę artysta od naszych filmów i zdjęć. Niczego nie zostawia
przypadkowi. Nieoceniony w trudnych sytuacjach. Pracowity motor naszych działań łatwo łapiący z ludźmi kontakt. Zaczął żeglować w wieku 14 lat, a poznaliśmy się na studiach
szykując klubowy jacht, 9-cio metrową Bagatelę, do rejsu na Wyspy Owcze w 1988 roku. Razem byliśmy na niejednym, ciężkim rejsie i razem pierwszy raz na Antarktydzie.
Trudno dziś sobie wyobrazić Selmę bez Krisa, a ledowe oświetlenie wnętrza jachtu i swiatełka w szafkach to jego konik : ). Współwłaściciel Selmy.
małgorzata wojtaczka
Taternik jaskiniowy ale chętnie pływa tam gdzie zimno, w rejony polarne, i na Spitsbergen i na Antarktydę. Bierze udział w eksploracji nowych jaskiń w Picos de Europa
w Hiszpanii. Najgłębsza to Sistema del Hou de la Canal Parda, głębokość -903 m. Lubi kanioning, górskie trekkingi, wyprawy w miejsca odległe od cywilizacji. Dziką przyrodę.
Trzeźwo i z dystansem ocenia każdą sytuację i jest naszą krynicą zdrowego rozsądku i pomysłów. Lubi prace techniczne, niecierpi kwitów. Współwłaściciel Selmy.
henryk wolski
Henryk Wolski, born in 1951, studied at the Technical University of Poznan (Poland). After gaining his degree as an engineer he worked for some years in a company making engines for ships.
Having been an enthusiastic sailor since boyhood, Henryk gained his master's license for ocean-going yachts during his studies at the university. After leaving the marine engineering company, he first worked as a sailing instructor and skipper for "High Sea Yacht School North Sea" in Bremen.
In 1989, Henryk founded his own company "Henryk's Sailing". The company particularly promotes what Henryk calls "concept sailing": He undertakes sailing trips mostly under historical mottos like "Following the tracks of Ulysses" - to give just one example. He also organizes moderate adventurous sailing trips in different parts of the world.
In 1994, Henryk organized his own expedition called "Following the Tracks of the Vikings". He successfully navigated the rivers across the European continent from Riga to Odessa. After this historic voyage he had a replica viking ship built for future expeditions, the "Welet".
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Another facet of Henryk's life are his expeditions. He was a member of Arved Fuchs's ICESAIL expedition team. This expedition's aim had been to sail around the north pole via the northwest as well as the northeast passage. The expedition lasted four years. In 1993, the northwest passage was completed. The northeast passage was successfully completed in 2002.
In 2000, he was one of the four members of Arved Fuchs's expedition following the tracks of the most famous expedition of Sir Ernest Shackleton using a replica of Shackleton's lifeboat "James Caird". They sailed from the Antarctic continent via Elephant Island 900 nautical miles to South Georgia. Following the landing, the team crossed the island, and by doing so, retraced Shackleton's historic voyage. About the expedition Henryk published the book "Fortitudine Vincimus – durch Ausdauer zum Sieg".
In summer 2003, Henryk's personal circling of the north pole came to an end by sailing from Norway to Greenland on the yacht "Zjawa IV". By that, the sixth person in history has navigated the seas around the north pole completely. Later that same year, he also made a trip around notorious Cape Hoorn – again on the yacht "Zjawa IV".
In 2006, he finished his project "Following the Tracks of the Vikings" by sailing from Gdansk on the coast of the Baltic Sea to Odessa on the coast of the Black Sea. With his ship "Welet" he sailed more than 2.000 km on the rivers Vistula, San, and Dnjestr. So, he retraced the last of the four known trading routes of the vikings. This voyage was documented by one of Germany's leading TV stations (ARTE) in their famous series "GEO 360°".
In 2008, Henryk organized on the yacht "Nashachata" an ambitious sailing trip from Gdañsk (Poland) to Australia, the motto being: "Vom Bernsteinstrand zur Korallensee" - "From Amber Beaches to the Coral Sea". During this trip, he led the leg beginning in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in october. He took the yacht through the Straits of Magellan into the Pacific Ocean, around Cape Hoorn and on into Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego). In Ushuaia, Henryk left the "Nashachata" to take over the wooden boat "Fuegia", a historically correct replica of a whaling boat.
This was the start of his expedition "Darwin & Tierra del Fuego" sailing Beagle Channel waters. The idea of the expedition was to retrace an important part of the historical trip around the world (1831 - 1836) of HMS "Beagle" under Kapitän Robert FitzRoy. During this expedition the then young Charles Darwin did a lot of research which finally lead to writing down his theory of evolution.
At the end of december 2008, after finishing the "Fuegia"-Expedition", Henryk in Ushia again took over the yacht "Nashachata". Ahead lay a very ambitious leg: "Antarctica – Circumpolar Navigation Part I". The ship and crew visited the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Cap Town, and - in the Indian Ocean - Crozet Island, Amsterdam Island, and Melbourne (Australia). The trip ended in may 2009 in New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean.
During his trips on the "Nashachata", Henryk has rounded the three southern capes: Cape Hoorn (South America), Cape Agulhas (Africa) und Cape Leeuwin (Australia).
Henryk has been sailing on a lot of different ships in different areas of the world. In total, he has around 140.000 nautical miles to his credit, which is equal to circling the equator 6 times.
Since 2000, Henryk has been working regularly as an expedition leader and/or as a lecturer on cruise ships in both the Antarctic and the Arctic, the Amazon, and other areas of the world.
December 2009
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